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Please contact us so we can create the optimal treatment plan for you.

Working with Bellla & Raymond at The PONO Institute was one of the most exciting programs I have ever attended. I felt like the missing pieces finally fell into place and the puzzle was complete. No more shame, no feeling of not being good enough.


Everything is easier now, I feel lighter and more relaxed as if I’m reborn. My body is One with my consciousness and now I can function at 100%.


Wicky-Beau Koelma,

Breast Cancer Survivor

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Group meetings in trauma treatment provide numerous advantages to individuals seeking healing and recovery.


At the PONO Institute, we recognize the value of these small, intimate settings, with each group limited to just six participants for a comprehensive 10-week program. Here are some specific benefits of our approach:


Personalized Attention: With a limited number of participants, each individual can receive more personalized attention and support from our dedicated facilitators. This ensures that your unique needs and progress are closely monitored and addressed.


Peer Support: Small group settings create a supportive community of individuals who have experienced trauma. This shared understanding and empathy can reduce feelings of isolation and foster a sense of belonging, making participants feel less alone in their struggles.


Validation and Normalization: Hearing others' stories and experiences can validate a survivor's feelings and reactions to trauma. This normalization can reduce self-blame and shame, allowing individuals to understand that their responses are common reactions to uncommon events.


Safety and Trust: Our small group size fosters a sense of safety and trust among participants. You'll have the opportunity to build meaningful connections with others who share similar experiences, creating a supportive and non-judgmental space for healing.


Community Building: Over the course of the program, you'll have the opportunity to form a close-knit community with your fellow participants. This sense of belonging can be a powerful motivator and source of ongoing support beyond the program's duration.


Diverse Perspectives: Small groups often consist of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences. This diversity can provide participants with a range of perspectives and coping strategies, offering a broader toolkit for managing trauma-related challenges.


Social Skills and Communication: Group therapy can improve social skills and communication, as participants learn to express themselves, listen actively, and offer constructive feedback. These skills can be beneficial for building healthier relationships outside of the group.


Coping Strategies: Small group meetings can serve as a platform for sharing coping strategies that have worked for different individuals. Participants can learn from each other and experiment with various techniques to find what works best for them.


Empowerment: As individuals in the group witness each other's progress and growth, it can foster a sense of hope and empowerment. Seeing others overcome challenges can inspire motivation and resilience.


Feedback and Accountability: Participants can receive constructive feedback from group members and hold each other accountable for progress and goals. Regular meetings provide stability and consistency. This peer accountability can be motivating and beneficial for personal growth.


Long-Term Benefits: By participating in a 10-week program, you'll have the opportunity to make lasting changes in your life. The skills and insights gained during this time can continue to benefit you well into the future.


We understand that healing from trauma is a deeply personal journey, and our small group format is designed to provide you with the focused, compassionate, and effective support you need on your path to recovery.


It's important to note that group therapy may not be suitable for everyone, and individual preferences and needs vary. Some individuals may prefer a one-on-one approach or a combination of both. Feel free to contact us, so we can find the optimal resolution for you.

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