Passionate About Inspiring Others
Their dedication to their purpose is steadfast. Bella and Raymond are very clear that the survival of humanity and our planet depends on the state of our awareness and the awakening of consciousness. Their unwavering ethical commitment to being PONO (of highest integrity) is the core principle that inspires and guides their life work.
For the past decade they have self-funded all of their research, giving back by donating their services to those in need, paying it forward by coaching leaders and agents of change, and offering free seminars and workshops to their local community.
Bella and Raymond are certified professional coaches with over 25 years of experience in the field of Personal Transformation, Executive Coaching, Quantum Physics, Bio-Energetics and Metaphysics. For almost three decades they have been facilitating events and retreats, inspiring audiences as public speakers, and authoring and publishing several books. Bella and Raymond are holistic healers passionate in educating society about well-being, health and nutrition (…see credentials below)
They are committed cultural practitioners of Hawaiian wisdom. Bella is a Hula dancer trained by the legendary Kumu Gordean Bailey, an island royalty and former Miss Hawaii. The creative arts have always been part of Bella and Raymond lifestyles. From celebrated performing artist, event designer and jazz club owner, to visual artists, sculptors, fine furniture makers and designers, they incorporate their passions into every area of their lives to reflect their dedication to creativity.
Researchers in the Field of Consciousness and global Leadership Development.
Founders of the PONO INSTITUTE with headquarters on Maui, HI.,
Co-Owners of NP-Executives (Leadership and Personal Development Coaching) and NP-Blueprint (Optimization of Homes, Land and Business), both New Paradigm companies.
Education and Training: Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Ontological Certified Coach (ACCC),
Quantum Physics, Epi-Genetics/Bio-Energetics with an extensive background in Energy Medicine,
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP),
Lateral Thinking Techniques, Emotional Anatomy,
Accelerated Learning Techniques, Human Software Engineering,
Chi Gong, Tai Chi and numerous meditation practices.
Bella and Raymond would like to thank the teachers that greatly influenced their path:
Gordean Bailey, Leiohu Ryder, Michael Lee, Wide Garcia, Lynne Joi McFarland
Christoph Fasching, Isabel Geisslinger,
Hans Phillips, Rachel, Jodi, and Terry from Accomplishment Coaching,
Edward de Bono,,Tom Stone, Lisa Cary, Sixtus Oechsle
Richard (Dick) Nelson, David Lloyd,, Evelyn Halus,
Louise Hay, Anthony Robbins, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Wayne Dyer, Christopher S. Kilham
Dalai Lama, S.N. Goenka, Deepak Chopra, Masaru Emoto.